I found a lot of information in this site about global warming and climate changes. It gives a lot of facts on what the weather is and the climate changes that happen over the year or so.I wanted this site because it will help me in my game.
I found a lot of information about the parks and how there climate and global warming changes over the year.This park is also threatened by Climate Changes.More of the animals are dying so there is less and less animals dying and there will be less food for us to eat because all the animals are dying.
Hi my name is Ashley Rodriguez and im a 7th grader at EACPA. I would like to do my topic on global warming and I like to add a game genre and that will be at least 2 or 3 things like Adventure,Action and Strategys. I want all these topics because it will be chanllegeing to me to do all this on my game and im up for a challege but I would need to pay more attiton to the teacher on how to make my game happen the way I want it to.
I like your topic because it is simialar to mine, I would like to find out what the tempurture is under water and and if the fishes are cosing ocean warming.