Tuesday, November 30, 2010
This old wizard made a little world of castles and colored them with some paint but it was magical paint that he made.I like the baby blue they used for the paint becasue it glowed and it was noticable to see and this thing poped out of the painting and it was a big balck and purple monster.Mickey mouse was travaling through time.The monster is taking Mickey some where to another land he never seen.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Ashley R 13 2010
The fisher man catches the plantain at night because they mostly come out in the night time.Global warming is not the cause it is something else.The warmer the water less plantain there is in the water.Most animals are driven north when the water is warm.The crabs will die with just a 2 degrees under or over there regular temperature.The worlds connections is all connected to everyone.Dust is getting everyone sick because most of the dust is traveling from other places that has a lot of germs and more people are getting sick.There was a lot of water in lake chad that there is no more because of evaporation.A lot of dust is coming toward the united states .The dust is making the water more dirty that is what causing people to get sick.A lot of people are getting asthma because of the dirt in the water those people that swim in the lakes or any waters they have a chance to get asthma.
These people are saving the animals from drowning and starving.Venezuela is man-made and only the strong plants remained but the other plants died because of there less water.Each animal had a role to play for the food chain.There is so many spider monkeys and they are eating all the leafs and in the next couple of years they wont have no more because they ate them all.The ants that get the other leaves they bring them underground where they keep them and they are using to many so they might run out.There is hardly any water in the world because most of it is evaporating in the air so we don't have a lot of water so we need to cut off a little bit from using water.The world changed over a while because they use a lot of water and they kill all the animals and they got prizes for what they killed.
There is a lot of a animals dying because this other animals kills it and eats it for their food.A lot of the coral is dying because the animals that live in the water is not taking care of them.Underneath the water there is left over skeletons that was made from a long time ago.There is less big fish now than before so now they are only catching little fish.About 90% of big fish are gone.These men are fishing deeper than they did before because they can not find no more big fish.The fish moved to a safer spot that no people can fish there so they wont die.
A lot of frog are now disappearing.At first they were healthy but they said they are not.There is this chemical that they put in the corn that can spread to the frogs.They are trying to catch a leopard frog.What we eat is made out of water but water don't stay put.We don't know what is in water so we might be drink something dangerous.They are trying to figure out what our water is made out of because it might have stuff in it that we don't want to drink.This lady is figuring out what is in tap water.90% of fish are good to eat but you don't know what fish it is because you can get the wrong fish.This man is putting chemicals in all these plants to see what can they survive at or where they cant.Most of the chemicals are ending up in the water.A lot of coral is dying because there is a lot of chemicals in them.People are trying to figure out what is in the torn plant that lives under the water and they think it might have to do with nigtorgen.Most of the fish hang out around the shore where we swim at.
The fisher man catches the plantain at night because they mostly come out in the night time.Global warming is not the cause it is something else.The warmer the water less plantain there is in the water.Most animals are driven north when the water is warm.The crabs will die with just a 2 degrees under or over there regular temperature.The worlds connections is all connected to everyone.Dust is getting everyone sick because most of the dust is traveling from other places that has a lot of germs and more people are getting sick.There was a lot of water in lake chad that there is no more because of evaporation.A lot of dust is coming toward the united states .The dust is making the water more dirty that is what causing people to get sick.A lot of people are getting asthma because of the dirt in the water those people that swim in the lakes or any waters they have a chance to get asthma.
These people are saving the animals from drowning and starving.Venezuela is man-made and only the strong plants remained but the other plants died because of there less water.Each animal had a role to play for the food chain.There is so many spider monkeys and they are eating all the leafs and in the next couple of years they wont have no more because they ate them all.The ants that get the other leaves they bring them underground where they keep them and they are using to many so they might run out.There is hardly any water in the world because most of it is evaporating in the air so we don't have a lot of water so we need to cut off a little bit from using water.The world changed over a while because they use a lot of water and they kill all the animals and they got prizes for what they killed.
There is a lot of a animals dying because this other animals kills it and eats it for their food.A lot of the coral is dying because the animals that live in the water is not taking care of them.Underneath the water there is left over skeletons that was made from a long time ago.There is less big fish now than before so now they are only catching little fish.About 90% of big fish are gone.These men are fishing deeper than they did before because they can not find no more big fish.The fish moved to a safer spot that no people can fish there so they wont die.
A lot of frog are now disappearing.At first they were healthy but they said they are not.There is this chemical that they put in the corn that can spread to the frogs.They are trying to catch a leopard frog.What we eat is made out of water but water don't stay put.We don't know what is in water so we might be drink something dangerous.They are trying to figure out what our water is made out of because it might have stuff in it that we don't want to drink.This lady is figuring out what is in tap water.90% of fish are good to eat but you don't know what fish it is because you can get the wrong fish.This man is putting chemicals in all these plants to see what can they survive at or where they cant.Most of the chemicals are ending up in the water.A lot of coral is dying because there is a lot of chemicals in them.People are trying to figure out what is in the torn plant that lives under the water and they think it might have to do with nigtorgen.Most of the fish hang out around the shore where we swim at.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Ashley R. 13 2010
"Strange Days On Planet Earth"
People are looking for aliens that are killing the plants.There are plants that are in places that plants are not suppose to be.There is more electronics in the world that the plants and other things are polluting and everything thing is dying.Animals are also destructive to this world because they are eating all the plants they can get too.
The lake is getting better because they have something in the water that saves the plants that are in the water.Storms are making the come closer to other land and they might hit and there wont be no more of one land.The rain damage is warming the fish in the sea because this might be the end for them.A lot of fruits are growing but they are not growing right we might run out of food before the time you know it.In the mid 1800 he found some thick leafs that are now decorations in some homes but they didn't know they were dangerous.Plants produce about 3,000 seeds that only open 3 times a year.Now most of the pants are dying.This person is flying over the land and looking at the trees with one of his tools and they show him what is in the tree and what kind the tree is.They are examining the leaf to see how many things that grow in the leaf and most of the leaves are dying.People let the trees die but these people in the movie try's to save the trees.Most people are worrying more about there homes but that is not what they should worry about they need to worry about the trees and the world.
Now we have a lot of technology there is a lot of gas that we used now all that is polluting our earth.People are discovering new animals that no one has ever seen before.The world might be gone because of all the new technology in this world and how much we use it.About 2 billion of animals are going to be dying because no one is taking care if this world we need to take over this new technology and save the animals before they are all gone.We raised the air about 1.5% and that is a lot because of the planes and cars and anything that contains gas or fuel.People keep hunting the animals and that is why we don't have that much food because people is killing to many of the animal and when all the animals are gone we wont have no more food.60,000 animals has die over a year and we are running out of animals.
The lake is getting better because they have something in the water that saves the plants that are in the water.Storms are making the come closer to other land and they might hit and there wont be no more of one land.The rain damage is warming the fish in the sea because this might be the end for them.A lot of fruits are growing but they are not growing right we might run out of food before the time you know it.In the mid 1800 he found some thick leafs that are now decorations in some homes but they didn't know they were dangerous.Plants produce about 3,000 seeds that only open 3 times a year.Now most of the pants are dying.This person is flying over the land and looking at the trees with one of his tools and they show him what is in the tree and what kind the tree is.They are examining the leaf to see how many things that grow in the leaf and most of the leaves are dying.People let the trees die but these people in the movie try's to save the trees.Most people are worrying more about there homes but that is not what they should worry about they need to worry about the trees and the world.
Now we have a lot of technology there is a lot of gas that we used now all that is polluting our earth.People are discovering new animals that no one has ever seen before.The world might be gone because of all the new technology in this world and how much we use it.About 2 billion of animals are going to be dying because no one is taking care if this world we need to take over this new technology and save the animals before they are all gone.We raised the air about 1.5% and that is a lot because of the planes and cars and anything that contains gas or fuel.People keep hunting the animals and that is why we don't have that much food because people is killing to many of the animal and when all the animals are gone we wont have no more food.60,000 animals has die over a year and we are running out of animals.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Ashley R. 11 2010
I found a lot of information in this site about global warming and climate changes. It gives a lot of facts on what the weather is and the climate changes that happen over the year or so.I wanted this site because it will help me in my game.
I found a lot of information about the parks and how there climate and global warming changes over the year.This park is also threatened by Climate Changes.More of the animals are dying so there is less and less animals dying and there will be less food for us to eat because all the animals are dying.
Hi my name is Ashley Rodriguez and im a 7th grader at EACPA. I would like to do my topic on global warming and I like to add a game genre and that will be at least 2 or 3 things like Adventure,Action and Strategys. I want all these topics because it will be chanllegeing to me to do all this on my game and im up for a challege but I would need to pay more attiton to the teacher on how to make my game happen the way I want it to.
I found a lot of information in this site about global warming and climate changes. It gives a lot of facts on what the weather is and the climate changes that happen over the year or so.I wanted this site because it will help me in my game.
I found a lot of information about the parks and how there climate and global warming changes over the year.This park is also threatened by Climate Changes.More of the animals are dying so there is less and less animals dying and there will be less food for us to eat because all the animals are dying.
Hi my name is Ashley Rodriguez and im a 7th grader at EACPA. I would like to do my topic on global warming and I like to add a game genre and that will be at least 2 or 3 things like Adventure,Action and Strategys. I want all these topics because it will be chanllegeing to me to do all this on my game and im up for a challege but I would need to pay more attiton to the teacher on how to make my game happen the way I want it to.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Ashley R.12 2010
In like 50 years the world will be global warming where there is nothing left.Glaciers global warm everyday and there is less and less of them now because of the heat in the world is melting the ice.Global warming causes more hurricanes and tornado's in this world like in New Orland's.It only took nine month to rebuild but still now and days people don't have any homes because they are still building new place like stores and other places.Now government don't want anything to do with global warming.the levels of global warming are still rising even when we are stop using a lot of energy though.They said the oil spells like money.People that find a lot burn it and it makes a lot of gas move though the air and it is killing some people that have a symptom.Government bomb and killed a lot of people and kids because some people had to hide and drink nasty water and they die because they didn't eat for 2 weeks or drink for 2 weeks.China is the new bad guy because they are making new toys for us and it is using a lot of plastic. Climate change is really getting bad for this community.People are fighting to save the world , like they are bike riding instead of using a car and using less gas. People are trying to fight for a new president and governor because they don't care about the climate changes. To many cars have a lot of gas for it to run so that's why all the gas money is going up because we are running out of gas. The ice from the mountains is melting because the world is getting so hot that the ice will melt.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Ashley R. 10 2010
Diane Fisher
National Aeronautics And Space Administration
2005 October 11,2010
Pollution Prevention (P2)
2010 October 11,2010
National Ocean Service
Coral reef
2010 October 11,2010
Howard Perlman
USGS Science For A Changing World
2010 October 11,2010
National Aeronautics And Space Administration
2005 October 11,2010
Pollution Prevention (P2)
2010 October 11,2010
National Ocean Service
Coral reef
2010 October 11,2010
Howard Perlman
USGS Science For A Changing World
2010 October 11,2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Ashley R. 9 2010
How to properly cite internet resources
citing your sources
Use the fromate below to add internet resources to a bibliography
Author.Title of website.Web address or URL.copyright date.Date you found the information
Copyright 07.10.2010 22:18
October 7, 2010
citing your sources
Use the fromate below to add internet resources to a bibliography
Author.Title of website.Web address or URL.copyright date.Date you found the information
Copyright 07.10.2010 22:18
October 7, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Ashley R. 8 2010
Coral Reef
What is a coral reef?
A coral reef is made by little fish.It is mostly coral that grows on the floor build by little fish that lives in the sea.
Where are they found?
On the bottom of the reef in every sea.
How are they helpful?
Some corals are fishes homes or food they live or eat. They are made for medicine. Its a barrier for Violante seas.
Are the coral reefs endanger?
Yes they are endanger because the fish eat the coral for food and people use it for medicine.
If they are endanger why?
Because people use it for mortician and other time fish eat it for food to survive on.Ocean warming mostly causes the coral to die because it is to warm in the sea and it has to be a Pacific tempters.
What can we do to help prevent coral reefs from being destroyed?
Try not to over fish and use to much coral for mediation.
People relied on fish to eat them.The great barrier reef is the larges reef in the seas.Ocean warming is killing all the coral and now most of our fish are dying.
What is a coral reef?
A coral reef is made by little fish.It is mostly coral that grows on the floor build by little fish that lives in the sea.
Where are they found?
On the bottom of the reef in every sea.
How are they helpful?
Some corals are fishes homes or food they live or eat. They are made for medicine. Its a barrier for Violante seas.
Are the coral reefs endanger?
Yes they are endanger because the fish eat the coral for food and people use it for medicine.
If they are endanger why?
Because people use it for mortician and other time fish eat it for food to survive on.Ocean warming mostly causes the coral to die because it is to warm in the sea and it has to be a Pacific tempters.
What can we do to help prevent coral reefs from being destroyed?
Try not to over fish and use to much coral for mediation.
People relied on fish to eat them.The great barrier reef is the larges reef in the seas.Ocean warming is killing all the coral and now most of our fish are dying.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Ashley R. 7 2010
Saving Species Of Planet Earth Future
Land is disappearing very fast because the water is filling up the planet and the land is disappearing.Many animals are in danger because people be shooting all the animals for food.We have to understand that we might not have no more animals and some of these animals were our foods.Solders shoot the ibex's for food.Polar bears don't have enough ice to live eon so they might die in the cold water.If Polar bears don't have ice they will drown and they will go in stick.Polar bears are running out of fish so they start eating Walruses for food.Polar bears might lose 35% of them so that is almost half of them.Polar bears might have to live in the south to survive in this world so they might have to change how they live so they will survive in this world because they are really dying.The ice caps are melting and all the ice animals are dying because they are drowning.All of the animals are endangered because of the pollution in this world. It is really rare that you will find polar bears in the south of the world.Lets hope the adaptation will work for the polar bears because they are use to the cold air.
Land is disappearing very fast because the water is filling up the planet and the land is disappearing.Many animals are in danger because people be shooting all the animals for food.We have to understand that we might not have no more animals and some of these animals were our foods.Solders shoot the ibex's for food.Polar bears don't have enough ice to live eon so they might die in the cold water.If Polar bears don't have ice they will drown and they will go in stick.Polar bears are running out of fish so they start eating Walruses for food.Polar bears might lose 35% of them so that is almost half of them.Polar bears might have to live in the south to survive in this world so they might have to change how they live so they will survive in this world because they are really dying.The ice caps are melting and all the ice animals are dying because they are drowning.All of the animals are endangered because of the pollution in this world. It is really rare that you will find polar bears in the south of the world.Lets hope the adaptation will work for the polar bears because they are use to the cold air.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Ashley R. 6 2010
These are some things I will like to do my game on.
I want to learn more about marijuana because a lot of kids smoke it and they ask me if I want some and I say no and I want to learn how bad it is for your body and I want everyone to know.
I want to learn more about why people lose there jobs and why dont they try to go back to school to get a better job and get some money to find a house.
Here are some websites you can look up for these social issues
I want to learn more about marijuana because a lot of kids smoke it and they ask me if I want some and I say no and I want to learn how bad it is for your body and I want everyone to know.
I want to learn more about why people lose there jobs and why dont they try to go back to school to get a better job and get some money to find a house.
Here are some websites you can look up for these social issues
Friday, September 24, 2010
Ashley R. 5 2010
These are some game topic websites that i found on
I will begin researching different topics found on this directory to help me come up with more game ideas that I would like to focus on.
I found these websites that you can help save people from global warming and poverty
This website help save the world from global warming
To make a wish and see if it will change the world
It like how to take role in this world
This last website is talking about what is goin on in this world
Here is some things im instresed in
These are some things I will like to do my game on.
I want to learn more about marijuana because a lot of kids smoke it and they ask me if I want some and I say no and I want to learn how bad it is for your body and I want everyone to know.
2).Teen pregnacy
I want to learn about teen and them having babys some girls think it is cool to have a kids but some of there dads leave even when they are born or before so I want to learn more about that.
I want to learn more about why people lose there jobs and why dont they try to go back to school to get a better job and get some money to find a house.
I will begin researching different topics found on this directory to help me come up with more game ideas that I would like to focus on.
I found these websites that you can help save people from global warming and poverty
This website help save the world from global warming
To make a wish and see if it will change the world
It like how to take role in this world
This last website is talking about what is goin on in this world
Here is some things im instresed in
These are some things I will like to do my game on.
I want to learn more about marijuana because a lot of kids smoke it and they ask me if I want some and I say no and I want to learn how bad it is for your body and I want everyone to know.
2).Teen pregnacy
I want to learn about teen and them having babys some girls think it is cool to have a kids but some of there dads leave even when they are born or before so I want to learn more about that.
I want to learn more about why people lose there jobs and why dont they try to go back to school to get a better job and get some money to find a house.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Ashley R. 4, 2010
The reflect on the game review
My reflect on the game.I think the games were all fun but some were not explaining the instructions right so I got a little confused on some of the games I played some of them didn't even tell me the instructions so I had to learn how to play them. Mostly all the games I played had all the instructions so they were the good games.I think for me to play games they help me on my very own game so I can have some ideas from the game that I was just playing.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Ashley R. 3 2010
My thoughts about documentary is real easy I think that the documentary is bad in this world because the weather heat and the climate is real bad to our Eco system.Global Warming is real bad because all the waste you use in this world it gets bad like the oil spill and the garbage in the water that is polluting our plant.The information I just heard made me feel a little scared because the world might end by 2012 and that is not to long from now because of all this polluting in this world will make the sun come closer to earth and we all will burn up. If we all work together to make the world a better place then we can safe a lot of energy and lots of waste that we can use over and over again like water bottles you can use thoughts over and over again or you can just put in the jug water bottles that will help at least some of the earth.I think if we change some of the ways we use things I think this world can be saved from all this heat.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Ashley R. 1 2010

Image retrived from www.nasa.gov
This picture is very educated because you can see the Cassini its pretty cool to see what it looks like up close.Then you can see two pictures of the planets.Space is a very interesting place to learn at because you can learn about the planets and you can know when its going to rain or not.This picture is very colorful and I like it because I like seeing color in the pictures.
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